Contemporary Art Exhibits: Not What You Expect

Contemporary Art Exhibits: Not What You Expect

24 March 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Those unfamiliar with contemporary art may fear that they would not enjoy or understand a trip to a contemporary art gallery. A visit may not be as pretentious or confusing as you might think, however. In fact, contemporary art exhibits are increasingly popular with the general public and just may surprise you.

Digital exhibits

One of the newest forms of exhibits to be featured in contemporary art galleries and museums is digital exhibits. While visiting a traditional art gallery or museum, you admire paintings and other forms of art hung on walls as well as statues in situ. A digital exhibit, however, lets you experience the artwork by being enveloped in both visual and auditory displays. These digital exhibits are large-scale and often include dimming the lights while projecting art on the wall. It becomes something that you experience and actively participate in rather than just something you admire from a distance. This helps the art to appeal to a wide range of viewers.

Interactive exhibits

While at first glance an interactive exhibit may appear to be created for influencers to use as content for their social media channels, it is actually contemporary art. Giant ball pits and colorful graffiti walls are carefully curated to invoke a response from the viewer. From pop-up exhibits at a contemporary art gallery to permanent installations at a museum, interactive exhibits are bound to engage everyone.

Relatable topics

Throughout history, art has always been relatable to the people of that time and place. While you may not find Caravaggio's "Judith Beheading Holofernes" from 1599 relatable (or even palatable), contemporary art galleries have plenty that relates to modern life now.

The venerable Victoria and Albert Museum in London, for example, held an exhibit in 2019 dedicated to video gaming entitled, "Video Games: Design/Play/Disrupt." The exhibit featured both upright arcade games as well as gaming consoles and computer games and discussed everything from League of Legends to Vox the dog. It showcased both the design process for the game as well as for the background art and animation. While video gaming may not be considered fine art, it has a place in a contemporary art gallery and can — should — be appreciated for the time and talent that it took to create. 

While contemporary art may not always resonate with the general public the way a Rembrandt or Manet exhibit might, visiting a contemporary art gallery can be an enjoyable evening out.

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